Supported Config

The following environmental variables should be changed or default values will be used:

P2P Server Environment:

P2P_PORT - The port of the P2P Server.

PROVIDER_SECRET_KEY - The secret key of the provider that is used for signing transactions.

REDIS_HOST - The host server where redis is deployed. REDIS_PORT - The port of the host server where Redis is deployed.

REDIS_PUB_CHANNEL - The publishing channel where the P2P Server publishes events/commands that will be acted upon by the Session Manager.

REDIS_SUB_CHANNEL - The subscription channel where the P2P Server receives events/commands that were published by the Session Manager.

Charge Point Gateway Environment:

CHARGE_POINT_GATEWAY_PORT - The server host port

CHARGER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL - The interval in seconds in which Heartbeat requests will be sent by the CP to the CPG.

CHARGER_METERVALUE_INTERVAL - The interval in seconds in which MeterValues request will be sent by the CP to the CPG.

REDIS_HOST - The host server where Redis is deployed.

REDIS_PORT - The port of the host server where Redis is deployed.

REDIS_PUB_CHANNEL - The publishing channel where the P2P Server publishes events/commands that will be acted upon by the Session Manager.

REDIS_SUB_CHANNEL - The subscription channel where CPG receives events/commands that were published by the Session Manager.

REDIS_CHARGE_POINT_STATE_PREFIX - The prefix added to the CP state key on the Redis storage. PRIVATE_MODE_ID - Workaround; Experimental for targeted testing - chargers in private mode with predefined Local Auth List IdTag

PRIVATE_MODE - boolean - Workaround; Experimental for targeted testing - chargers in private mode with predefined Local Auth List IdTag

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